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Daughter's of Africa has received e-mails from some of our talented African American authors!  We are contacted to read books for reviews, check out press releases, or to simply view a website to obtain more information about an author! See who our featured author is this month...




Got a new book? Let Kesha review it! You will get an honest & professional review! Send me an e-mail, let's talk!

Sisters are connected throughout their lives by a special bond - whether they try to ignore it or not.  For better or for worse, sisters remain sisters, until death do them part. B. McConville


We are honored to hear from established authors and also up and coming authors!  Please do contact us if you are interesed in sitting down to chat with us about your book, if you are interested in submitting your book for review, or for any reason that you feel is important! 
We look forward to hearing from you!!!

We are D of A, not because we were born in Africa but because Africa was born in US!!!